Curriculum Components
*Creative Resources – This curriculum is based on themes, therefore using the thematic approach to teaching young children.
- Theme Goals
- Concepts for the children to learn
- Vocabulary
- Music & Finger Plays that use rhyming and melodic that make learning fun thru repetition.
- Sensory Activities
- Math
- Science
- Arts & Crafts
- Group Games
- Cooking Activities
*Active Learning for Threes – This curriculum is designed to create activities for:
- Listening and Talking
- Physical Development
- Creative Development
- Learning from the world around them
*Count on Math – Activities for small hands and lively minds.
- Teaches mathematical concepts according to the weeks needed.
- Exploration of Materials – 8 weeks
- Spatial Relationships – 8 weeks
- Classification – 10 weeks
- One-to-One Correspondence – 8 weeks
- Ordering – 4 weeks
*No Tears Writing – A fabulous writing curriculum used to make writing fun, while exercising the muscles used in writing and using the correct vocabulary that makes this fun and exciting.